The trailer, on the other hand the trailer did appear to be another bait and switch. But this one wasn't so scathing as we did see "real" Mut 25 coins gameplay that like the images that were shown in the initial sizzle trailer.
It isn't as impressive and you'll never watch Madden actually look this good in the game However, it was, at a minimum, in engine footage that was shown at E3. There were a few tricks with camera angles, motion blur and the like however, that was all that was done to the footage once it was recorded. In the end the original trailer was faked to a certain extent however it wasn't like it was in the Xbox 360 trailer.
We now have our Next Level trailer for the new generation. The Frostbite engine has the potential to produce amazing realism, and I'm not sceptical that on some extent that the visuals are similar to the target footage, however I'm sure we'll get an identical downgrade to what we experienced when we went from the first IGNITE trailer for the Xbox One/PS5 to the final E3 inside engine trailer. I'm confident that FIFA will look great with the cutscenes that are in the stadium itself as well, and I'm confident that it will look great in the stadium. Packers will look amazing in a cutscene when they exit the tunnel, however it's likely that there will be some minor changes to the actual gameplay if the past repeats itself.
It's true that the YouTube Rabbit Hole does not reveal where it's going to take me, which is acceptable for me as I trust the process at this moment. The discovery of Backbreaker at the conclusion of my current journey is a good reason to be confident buy mut coins whenever I venture down the rabbit hole. This reimagining of Super Bowl 54 in Backbreaker from WildLion Games was fun to watch on the second screen while working as I did not think of Backbreaker for a while.