Lumary LED Strip save energy and resources health is low energy consumption

lumary led strip


Lumary LED Strip has the characteristics of energy -saving, environmental protection, long life, and small volume. Compared to the appearance of other ordinary light bulbs, Lumary LED Strip is small and exquisite, and it is a high -value light bulb. It can be widely used in the fields of various instructions, decoration, backlight, ordinary lighting, and urban night scenes.

The built -in power power of Lumary LED Strip lamps is very important. The luminous power of LED decreases with the increase in LED temperature. The power of the power supply is high, and the LED heat is small, which is beneficial to the delayed LED.

LED's impact resistance is poor, so we must strengthen this protection. Especially for some outdoor products, the start -stop and lightning strikes of the grid load will have an impact on the power supply. Therefore, the input terminal of the LED drive power supply must have a protective circuit that press the waves to avoid the instantaneous damage to the LED, which causes disasters.

lumary led strip

