The Celtics beat the Eagles at home, the king of the last quarter of Trump

The Celtics beat the Eagles at home, the king of the last quarter of Trump



The Eagles challenged the Celtics away, and the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs continued as usual. This season, the Eagles have undergone some small changes in personnel, but the record is not ideal. Trey Young's performance is far from reaching the MVP level. Forward Collins is also rumored to be leaving. However, the skinny camel is still bigger than the horse, and no matter how bad the Eagles are, they still made it to the playoffs. The rival Celtics were the Eastern Conference champions last season. This season's offensive and defensive capabilities are very stable, and they are still the league's favorites to win the championship.Denver Nuggets Pelipaita

Hunter felt hot in the first half, leading Atlanta to an 11-point lead. The Celtics blossomed more, and responded to a wave of 14-0 offensive in the second half of the first quarter, and were able to overtake the score. In the second quarter, Tatum, Brogdon, and White broke out, and the Celtics expanded the point difference to 15 points. After halftime, the Hawks trailed by 12 points.

In the second half, Tatum and Trump scored consecutively, and the Celtics took a 20-point lead. Murray scored 13 points and led the team to narrow the point difference to single digits. Before entering the final quarter, the Eagles trailed by 9 points. In the fourth quarter, White confronted Tre Young and Bogdanovic. The Celtics opened fire inside and outside, widening the point difference to 22 points to seal the victory. In the end, the Celtics beat their opponents by 13 points. The Celtics lead their opponents 2-0 in the series, and the next game will be played at home in Atlanta.Halvat NBA Pelipaita

After this game, the Celtics, who won two consecutive victories, also pulled the total score of this round of the series to 2-0. It seems that they are getting closer and closer to advancing to the next round.
