The operation method of Electrofusion Welder Machine for Sale

electrofusion welder machine for sale


ElectrofuSion Welder Machine for Sale is an economical and effortless mechanical leveraged foot welding machine. It can not only welded the workpiece of stainless steel plates, but also welded low -carbon steel, cold -rolled plates, galvanized sheets below 5mm. Silk mesh filter workpiece. When replacing workpieces with different materials and thickness, just set 3 main parameters.

The specific operation method is as follows:

1. Set the controller parameter

1) Setting the slowdown time to suppress Mars splash: Setting range: 0-99 weeks (1 weekly wave = 0.02 seconds), black metal experience value of about 15 weeks around

2) Set the welding current: presented with the total power of the welding machine, the setting range: 0-99%, set to 0, minimum output, about 30%of the total power; set at 99, maximum power output.

3) Setting welding time: Set the time for welding current on the workpiece, the range of 0-99 weeks (1 weekly wave = 0.02 seconds); when it is set to 0, no welding current; set to 99, continuous welding.

Second, put the welding workpiece between the two electrodes, step down the pedal, and the two electrodes are tightened. When the pedal is continued, the stress reed will be compressed. The lower rod of the reed will hold the stroke switch and close the contact point. The controller triggers semiconductor -conductor and drives the transformer work to generate welding current and complete welding.

3. Constantly adjust the three parameters and test welding of the controller to find a tailor -made parameter. Then press this parameter to repeat welding.

electrofusion welder machine for sale
