How to correctly select NEWS of Welding Fume Extractors?

news of welding fume extractors


How to correctly select NEWS of Welding Fume Extractors, let's discuss it now:

The dust of the industry and nature is very annoying and harmful. On the other hand, most of the dust and most of the resources, especially industrial dust, such as steelmaking dust is highly iron -containing, can be used as concentrate powder, can be used as concentrate powder. Sintering raw material. According to the size of the dust particles, the dust can be divided into dust1-200? M and the dust dust Fume0.01-1.0? M; or the total suspended particles TSP ≦ 100? 5 ≦ 2.5? M three types. Generally speaking, the thinner the dust particles, the more severe the harm, the greater the dust removal concentration. For example, if you work in a fine dust environment for a long time, you do not take appropriate protective measures to suffer from lung disease.

In recent years, with the increase in energy conservation and emission reduction policies and implementation, some progress has been made in emission reduction, especially industrial dust removal. However, one problem that also occurred was reduction, but no energy saving and increased costs, which increased some enterprises. In some places and enterprises, environmental protection has become synonymous with investment and fines. Many newspapers are mentioned that multiple importances and energy conservation and emission reduction are usually emphasized, and they usually emphasize how much introduction. In fact, the efficiency of investment must be improved, and environmental protection and emission reduction must be reduced. Energy -saving and reduced costs. Such energy conservation and emission reduction input can be effective for a long time. The effectiveness should pay more attention than the investment. Attach importance to the correct order of studying the dust removal equipment, which helps to achieve emission reduction while also saving energy and reducing costs.

According to foreign experience, there are three different levels of dust removal equipment: dustproof, that is, like various diseases, prevention is always better than treatment, such as adding a streaming slot when loading and unloading and belt transsment can greatly reduce dust. Or the amount of smoke and dust produce and treat; when dealing with scattered materials such as steel residue, local confinement is used to make the generated dust and smoke consumed its kinetic energy in the cycle, and most of the dust sinks naturally. Such mechanical dust and dust removal are called non -power dust removal abroad. Most of the dust on most of the occasions is suitable for using powerless dust removal; at least the powerless dust removal should be used.

Followed by the auxiliary water spray fog or foam dust removal. On the one hand, spraying directly can make the dust particles wet, bond, condense, and grow up, and then it is easy to separate at the atmosphere; on the other hand, for smoke with high temperature, spray directly to achieve evaporation and cooling. Cooling of flue gas, size shrinking, and decreased speed is also conducive to dust removal. In the past, textbooks and design manuals said that spray dust removal is only suitable for processing dust above 50? M, and the dust removal efficiency is only 40-70%. Practical experience has proved that due to the advancement of spray technology, the dust of more than 10%and 1? M or more can be removed through the spraying system. 90-95%can also be removed. For example, the intermediate bag flip and steel residue treatment uses spray dust removal efficiency of 90-95%.

Therefore, from the perspective of reducing emission reduction and energy saving and reduction costs, we must first consider powerless dust removal and direct spray dust removal. It is really time to consider the third choice: ventilation and dust removal. Because as long as you choose ventilation and dust removal, you must have high energy -consuming fans and dust collectors, and it is difficult to reduce energy and reduce costs. When using a ventilation dust removal system, you must first consider low energy removal of energy consumption. After ZUI, consider the bag dust collector. By this idea reflecting on the actual selection of our current dust removal equipment, we can find some improved issues worthy of improvement: such as the secondary dust removal of the turntable, the dust removal of the blast furnace, the dust removal, and the dust removal dust removal. The above are more than 10? M, but in my country, most of the most uses ventilation dust removal and use a bag dust collector to solve the problem of emission reduction, but the operating costs are high; Most of them are coarse particles, but the entrance concentration of the dust removal is designed according to 70-100 grams/customized rice, resulting in many electric fields and huge equipment. Of course, some dust collectors are unstable, and it is also a practical problem that must be solved.

news of welding fume extractors
