An article to Learn Pressure Testing Equipment

An article to Learn Pressure Testing Equipment


An article to Learn Pressure Testing Equipment

Prior to usage, pressure testing is conducted to check parts for strength and leakage. There are numerous pressure test procedures, and each one offers a unique, focused assessment on the pressure vessel. For a pressure vessel to function properly and be safe, pressure testing is crucial.


Integrated Pressure Testing Equipment Experts

Contact Wingoil if you need to incorporate a pressure test unit into your assembly verification application. You can be sure that your test performance is optimized with the utmost safety in mind thanks to our expertise in pressure test applications that use techniques like hydrostatic testing to proof testing and our more than thirty years of experience developing and building pressure testing equipment.


Testing of hydraulic and hydrostatic systems

Hydrostatic testing is used to examine the structural integrity and pressure tightness of a vessel or cavity as well as check for leaks. For burst, leak, flow, calibration, or integrity testing of your products, CTS can design, construct, and integrate low and high-pressure hydrostatic testing devices. Our hydrostatic pressure testing equipment is made to gather thorough data for test assessment. It can be manual or automatic, and it can also include automatic part load/unload characteristics.


Occlusion Evaluation

An obstruction (occlusion) of a passage within a pressure vessel is discovered via occlusion testing. This test measures and records backpressure at the inlet (upstream) of the part at the conclusion of a predetermined time period to identify open or partially closed (blocked) states using constant applied pressure from a fixed source. Mass flow technology is used in our occlusion test equipment to provide repeatability and dependable findings.


Testing for Pressure Rise or Pressure Increase

These pressure test devices are employed for a variety of tasks, such as the identification of leaks from parts or the discovery of obstructions or constraints inside the item being tested. The test typically works by detecting any pressure increase on the lower pressure side of a barrier or wall that is intended to isolate one side from another (often a chamber around a filled or sealed tested part). The leak testing technology from CTS is designed to find even the slightest leaks in enclosed components.


Tests of Validity

Proof testing involves applying stress to the component being tested to see if it can sustain a specific level of pressure or vacuum for a while without catastrophic failure. The test works by applying a predetermined rate of ramping pressure or vacuum to the test part for a fixed amount of time, holding that final pressure for an extra fixed amount of time. Any drop in pressure below the minimum threshold signifies that the component has failed. Modern technology is used by our proof testing units to give trustworthy results through adaptable test procedures.


Tests of the ramp to P events

Check valves, pressure relief valves, and other goods intended to drastically change state (vent or seal) when pressure is increased or decreased are typically tested using this technique. Burst testing frequently makes use of this kind of pressure testing. A failure occurs if an event is detected above or below the intended range of final event inlet pressures. In this test, pressure to the test part is ramped up or down at a constant rate until an abrupt change in pressure is seen on the part's inlet, signaling the change in condition or "event." We use cutting-edge test algorithms in our ramp to P event pressure testing equipment to ensure improved accuracy and dependability.


Testing for Pressure Decay and Vacuum Decay

The pressure test unit that is currently utilized in leak testing the most frequently is this one. The test charges or fills the component to a target pressure, isolates that pressure, and charts the pressure decay over a predetermined duration. Leak rate, P (total pressure variation), or P/T (pressure variation/time) are three ways to present the outcome. To meet your specific demands, we provide a variety of pressure decay/vacuum decay leak testing equipment alternatives.


Performing pressure and vacuum decay tests

This is the pressure test unit that is currently used most frequently in leak testing. The component is charged or filled to a target pressure during the test, which then isolates that pressure and tracks the pressure decline over a predetermined period of time. There are three ways to display the results: leak rate, P (total pressure fluctuation), or P/T (pressure variation/time). We offer a range of pressure decay/vacuum decay leak testing equipment alternatives to match your unique needs.
